Sunday, April 15, 2007


In the military, there are so many hoops to jump through just to get what you want. For instance, in order for me to get stationed at Ft. Meade, MD, I have to do what's called a Flag Screening. What this entails is a medical check-up, dental check-up, financial counseling, security clearance verification, and then it needs to be signed by seven different people before it's approved. WOW! All this needs to be done within a ten day period or less to be considered valid. Talk about pressure. Flag means an O-7 and above is my boss. An O-7 is an Admiral (Navy) and or a General (Marines, Air Force, Army). Anyway, I have been approved since late February since I was going to Drill Instructor Duty in Great Lakes, IL. So, the hard part was already finished. But, now there has to be a Naval Message sent out stating that I'm "Officially" qualified.

And people wonder why nothing gets done in the government.

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